Letterpress Zine Making with Shawn Collins
SUN 8/19
10am – 4pm
$150 (includes all materials)

A collaborative zinemaking workshop where students will compose their own content, make design decisions for the arrangement and flow of the zine, and finally produce it on the letterpress. Students will be provided with a formatted template (six page zine folded from one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper). Within this format, students will collaborate on ideas to combine their original content, dividing up the pages of the zine however they see fit. We will print on both Vandercooks, using one for text type and one for color display type/images. The printing process will involve teaching students how to prepare the presses, set type, and register on the press bed.

Shawn Collins is a graphic designer in New Jersey who likes to make things. He makes thing for himself and for other people, too. When someone asks him, “What do you do?” he responds, “What do you need done?” Shawn has been involved with Newark Print Shop since January 2017. His focus is on analog printmaking techniques, primarily screen printing and letterpress

To register for this workshop, fill out the form below and complete payment via paypal.
(Paypal link will appear after form is submitted)

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