Multi-layer Color Screen Printing with Michael Dal Cerro

**Updated:  SUN 11/18
12am – 4pm
$125 (includes all materials)

An Introduction to Color Screen Prints 

This class will present techniques for creating four color screen prints. We will demonstrate how to make multi-color separations and how to successfully register and print a four color image on paper. Included will be information on various methods of creating positives for photo sensitive screens. The class will provide some information on how to use Adobe Illustrator and/or Photoshop to create color separations.   Each student will be provided materials to create a four color print in class.  A variety of images will be available for students to select from for their class project.


Michael Dal Cerro received his BFA in Painting from Northern Illinois University. He received a National Endowment For the Arts Fellowship for Painting. His work in printmaking was awarded a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship for Works on Paper in 2008. Dal Cerro’s prints are included in numerous collections including The New York Public Library, The University of Richmond Museums, The Achenbach Foundation For Graphic Arts at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and The Microsoft Corporation collection. He is currently working as an Artist in Residence at The Newark Printshop. 

To register for this workshop,  complete payment via paypal:

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